Center and Peripheries? A Summer School on European Renaissance & Asian Renascences

Date of event:   04/04/2018 − 11/04/2018

Center and Peripheries? A Summer School on European Renaissance & Asian Renascences

April 09 – April 11, 2018
Fürstenzimmer – Schloss Hohentübingen
Tübingen, Germany

Though well aware of the risks that we incur into by applying to Asia a terminology developed for the periodization of western cultural history, we would like to challenge the concept of the uniqueness and exceptionality of the European Renaissance and explore the possibility that there might have been renaissances—or renascences—also in different Asian cultures.

A Coffee Break Conference organized by Elena Mucciarelli, Cristina Bignami, Elisa Freschi

For more information, please see the attached programme or click here.


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