Title: Emerging Trends in Research on Classical Indian Dance
Conference date: 11 July 2022
Deadline: 5 June 2022
Format: Online via Zoom
Organized by: Giridhar Raghunathan (School of Arts, University of Roehampton) and Sandra J. Schlage (Department for Asian and Islamic Art History, University of Bonn)
Following the successful online conference “Emerging Trends in Research on Classical Indian Dance” in August 2020, the second edition of the conference will take place on 11th July 2022 online via Zoom.
The conference is jointly organised by Giridhar Raghunathan from the School of Arts, University of Roehampton, UK and Sandra J. Schlage from the Department for Asian and Islamic Art History, University of Bonn, Germany. We wish to provide a platform for PhD candidates and early career researchers (PhD completed within the last 5 years) to present and discuss their ongoing research.
Distinguished Indian classical dance scholar Dr. Avanthi Meduri, Reader, School of Arts, University of Roehampton will be delivering a keynote address at the event.
We invite participants to submit paper proposals focused on classical Indian dance forms or closely related topics. Each speaker will be allocated approximately 15 minutes for the online presentation followed by Q&A for 5 minutes after each presentation. To present your research, please send an abstract of max. 250 words and a brief CV (max. 1 page) including your affiliation and contact details to Giridhar Raghunathan (raghunag@roehampton.ac.uk) and Sandra J. Schlage (schlage@uni-bonn.de).
Deadline for submitting your abstract is 5th June 2022 and the acceptance of your paper will be notified by 12th June.