Title: Mirrors of the Past, Present & Future: a global perspective of optics and ancient mirrors
Deadline (abstract): 15 June 2022
Deadline (paper): 30 November 2022
Mirrors, ancient through to modern times, as objects have been used to produce reflections, change the direction of wavelengths and have been depicted in art. This book reflects on the function and use of mirrors from three different angles. One related to their use as historical and archaeological artefacts, another from an optics point of view with research into reflections. With the final part of the book dedicated to education in relation to the future of mirror studies and multidisciplinary approach to the classrooms, students, teachers and curricula. This book provides a global perspective ranging from prehistoric to modern mirrors covering various civilizations throughout time. This includes cultures from the Americas, through to European reaching to the other side of the globe with discussions on Asian mirrors. Overall, the book demonstrates a mutual cooperation and understanding between different academic fields and interdisciplinary approach to researching mirrors from optics, physics, archaeology and cultural heritage. The idea for the book was derived from the last International Virtual Mirror Studies Conferences (IVMSC) 2020-2022 and Mirror Studies Project (www.mirrorstudies.com).
Scholars from all backgrounds are invited to propose a paper fitting within some themes but not exclusively one:
- The function/use of ancient mirrors
- Reflection and optics of ancient mirrors
- Education of optics and mirrors
The suggested length of a paper, in font size 12 Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing, is minimum five pages and maximum twenty pages in MS Word. The article must be written in English. Detailed guidelines will be sent to authors according to acceptance. The submission file should be an OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format. Please include the following information in your proposal:
- Full name of author/s (without scientific titles/degrees)
- Corresponding email address and ORCID number
- Affiliations
- short note about the author (no more than 200 words)
- Title of the article
- Up to five key words
- Abstract (no more than 200 words)
Please express your interest in this volume with your provisional title and abstract by the 15th of June 2022. Full papers are expected by 30th of November 2022. The editors of the book are Elizabeth Thomas, University of Liverpool (E.Thomas4@liverpool.ac.uk) and Goran Đurđević, Beijing Foreign Studies University (goran.djurdjevich@gmail.com). Please submit your proposal to both editors and feel free to get in touch via email if you have any questions.