Exhibition: Carte blanche to Kimsooja: To Breathe-Constellation (Bourse de Commerce)

Date of event:   20/03/2024 − 23/09/2024

Title: Carte blanche to Kimsooja: To Breathe-Constellation
Duration: from 20 March 2024 to 23 September 2024
Institution: Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection, Paris, France

As part of the “Le monde comme il va” exhibition, South Korean artist Kimsooja is presenting a carte blanche entitled “To Breathe – Constellation”. Her installation in the Rotunda of the Bourse de Commerce is both monumental and ethereal: an immense mirror on the floor that, as one approaches, inverts the architecture and the order of the world with it, the sky opening up in the middle of the building, beneath our feet. Kimsooja is also taking over the 24 display cases in the Passage and the lower level of the museum with works and video installations that address her favourite themes: identity, borders, memory, exile, movement, and weaving.

“I would like to create works that are like water and air, which we cannot possess but which can be shared with everyone”, Kimsooja says. Since the late 70s, her work has asserted itself on the international art scene as an essential, universal experience. After studying painting in Seoul, she distanced herself from all art teachings and practice, embracing everyday gestures such as sewing to explore the issues of identity, involvement, individual and collective memory, and the individual’s place in the world. In the performance in 1997 that made her famous, she spent eleven days travelling across Korea perched atop a lorry loaded with bottaris, the traditional, shimmering Korean fabric bundles used to mark major events in people’s lives, from birth to marriage to death.

As a nomadic artist, a “cosmopolitan anarchist” as she calls herself, Kimsooja metaphorically uses her own body like an anonymous, almost invisible presence whose immobility and verticality become a kind of needle that threads through the fabric of the world.

For more information, please visit the website here.