Title: Contemporary Ceramic Art from the Middle East
Duration: until Sunday, 17 October 2021
Venue: Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), London, UK
This display brings together for the first time contemporary artists from the Middle East and North Africa who work primarily in clay. The richness and inventiveness of their output reflects the vitality of current ceramic practice across the region.
The display features the work of 19 artists from ten countries. Some of these artists look back to the techniques and designs of their nation’s past, or seek inspiration from aspects of their culture. Others choose ceramic as a vehicle for political messages.
The display is divided into three themes: tradition, identity, and politics.
For more information about the display, please visit the website here.
Image: Panel of five tiles, from the series ‘Kashi and Kashan’, Abbas Akbari, 2019, Tehran, Iran. Museum no. ME.43-2020. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London