Title: My Life, Our Karma: The Path of the Jains
Duration: 18 November 2022 to 30 April 2023
Institution: Museum Rietberg, Zurich, Switzerland
After almost 50 years, Jainism is set to return to the Rietberg Museum in an exhibition that offers a new take on the religion. On display from the museum’s own collection and on loan from India will be lavishly illuminated manuscripts and imposing sculptures that reveal Jain ideas and ideals that evolved over many centuries. The exhibition also examines contemporary practices among this small, but economically influential religious community that is found around the world, yet is hardly known outside India. Furthermore, the exhibition will explore the contribution that the living tradition of Jainism with its long and varied history can make to resolve the fundamental challenges the world faces today: climate change, rampant consumerism, ethnic and religious intolerance, and social inequality.
Combining masterpieces of Jain art and short films on Jain practices as well as discussions with Jains from all spheres of life – religious leaders and laypersons active in business, culture, and politics – this exhibition promises insights into the particular lifestyle fostered by Jainism. Visitors are encouraged to engage with new ideas, reflections, and discussions about what good, healthy, and sustainable living can look like.
In collaboration with the Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum and Green Barbet Ltd., Bangalore
for more information, please visit the website.