Title: Suzhou Surging Wave Pavilion: Translating Landscape Paintings into Architectural Drawings
Format: over Zoom (online only)
Speaker: Dr. Pania Mu, Postdoctoral Researcher (CATS, Heidelberg University)
Date: Monday, 6 December 2021
Time: 14:15-16:00 CET
As digital methods become a promising new trend in analysing landscape paintings, the role of architectural modelling in this approach awaits further investigation. This research uses architectural modelling to decipher paintings of the Surging Wave Pavilion site in China and yields new perspectives. Using digital models to simulate viewing and movement, the results show that artists’ crafted ways of seeing in the pictorial space were realised by manipulating the vantage viewpoint, selecting artefacts and scenic elements, and altering the portrayed objects’ geo-locations. Artists represented vicarious movement by relating to and intensifying the on-site touring experience. Apart from revealing artists’ visual devices, the translated architectural drawings assist in contextualising the viewers’ bodily experience in the space.
Meeting ID: 823 4321 1644
Passcode: 595676
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