Plum Blossom and Green Willow: Surimono Poetry Prints

Date of event:   02/10/2018 − 18/03/2019

Ashmolean Museum
2 Oct 2018 – 17 Mar 2019
Gallery 29
Free Admission

Some of the finest examples of Japanese printmaking in the early nineteenth century were the exquisitely printed woodblock prints called surimono (‘printed objects’). These privately published prints combined witty poems with elegant images by leading designers. This exhibition highlights rarely shown surimono from the Ashmolean’s collections, including a number of new acquisitions, offering a rare insight into Japanese literati culture and customs of the early nineteenth century.

For more information, please see the Museum’s website.

Tue 12 Feb & Fri 15 Mar, 11am–12pm, meet in
Gallery 29, Free, booking required.

Join curators Dr Clare Pollard and Kiyoko Hanaoka for a tour of the Plum Blosson and Green Willow: Surimono Poetry Prints display and a behind-the-scenes viewing of Japanese surimono prints.

Event Location