Position: University Assistant (prae doc) specialising in East Asian Art History
Reference number: 12353
Duration: 1 January 2022 until 31 December 2025
Application deadline: 4 Novemeber 2021
Institution: The Department of History of Art, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
The Department of History of Art at the University of Vienna is the biggest Center for Research and education in the visual arts in Austria. It focuses on the visual arts in Europe, Asia, and the Islamic World. Currently there are 2000 students.
The Department of Art History is inviting applications for two positions (75%) as University Assistant (prae doc) specialising in East Asian Art History starting January 1, 2022. The employment relationship is initially limited to 1.5 years and is automatically extended to a total of 4 years, unless the employer submits a declaration of non-renewal after a maximum of 12 months.
Job Description:
The tasks involve support in teaching and research of the Chair in Asian Art History (Prof. Dr. Lukas Nickel), building a research library and database, participation in the preparation of conferences, participation in the administration of the institute, and independent teaching according to the extent regulated by the collective agreement. The completion of a PhD thesis in the field of East Asian art history is expected. We expect the successful candidate to sign a doctoral thesis agreement within 12 to 18 months.
Master degree in Art History or East Asian Studies (or equivalent), excellent language skills in English and one East Asian language (Chinese, Japanese or Korean), experience in library maintenance, team skills, good didactic competence both in presence and online
Additional assets would be:
- Teaching experience / experience of working with e-learning
- Knowledge of university structures and processes
Applications should be sent in electronic format to the Job Center of the University of Vienna including the usual application documents (letter of motivation, CV with list of publications and talks, diplomas, table of contents and one chapter of master thesis, exposé of the dissertation project, contact details of two referees). Applications including a letter of motivation (German or English) should be submitted via the Job Center to the University of Vienna no later than 04.11.2021, mentioning reference number 12353.
For further information please contact Kleiser, Barbara +43-1-4277-41413.
The University pursues a non-discriminatory employment policy and values equal opportunities, as well as diversity. The University lays special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female applicants.
For more information, please visit the website here.