Title: East Asian textiles and clothing in motion: Ideas and identities across media and space in the long 19th century
Format: In-person
Date: 21 March 2024
Time: 14:00 to 17:00
Location: International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden, the Netherlands
This workshop explores the traces of multiple identities embodied in East Asian textiles and clothing in the long 19th century. In particular, it aims to bring into dialogue different perspectives, material culture studies, art history, and cultural anthropology, to foster thought-provoking reflections on the ways in which textile design shaped meanings and identities.
By reflecting in particular on the concepts of diffusion and transfer, the workshop explores how the flexibility, or ‘promiscuity’, of the textile medium allows—historically as well as today—the multidirectional circulation of ideas and aesthetics across different media, and geographical and cultural entities.
How are meanings and identities negotiated once motifs, technologies, and ideas of dress are transferred/diffused/translated across cultural spaces? How are identities constructed when textiles are transferred to pictures? When textiles become clothes? These are just some of the questions that we hope to explore throughout this interdisciplinary workshop.
This workshop takes place in the IIAS conference room (not online) from 14:00 to 17:00. Registration is required as seating is limited. All are welcome to attend!
For more information about the workshop and the registration form, please visit the website here.